To all UoEm Alumni,

We congratulate the 2021 Graduating class and the newly elected Alumni Executive members.

We sincerely apologise for not holding the AGM on 16th September, 2021 as scheduled. This was due to technical problems related to the ongoing preparation for the 6th Graduation Ceremony.

We plan to hold the AGM very soon so that the new team can take over the office.

The following is the list of the confirmed winners of the Executive Committee members

Position Name
Chairperson Mr. Shadrack Kiok
Vice-Chairperson Ms. Chebet Juddy
Secretary General Mr. Ndarawit K. Wilberforce
Vice-Secretary General Ms. Caroline Kathure Kamuru
Treasurer Mr. Joseph Mumo Philip
Vice-Treasurer Mr. Erick Ndung’u Njeri

Thank you.

Mr. Bedan C. Chege

The outgoing Chairperson